This tutorial was made because there is no Xtremelink v1.25 manual available. The only manual available is for v1.04 and it doesn't cover the Intelligent Save Handling Features found in XtremeLink v1.25. It also doesn't tell you that you can back-up your entire Xtreme 512m cart into one rom file; or tell you how to flash it back onto the Xtreme cart properly. Follow the steps below to configure XtremeLink V1.25 before flashing games to the 512m cart. Keep in mind that older Visoly carts can't use Intelligent Save Handling features.

First, click the 'Configuration' button to go to the Intelligent Save Handling settings.

Make the same selections in the 'Intelligent Save Handling' tab as shown below. This way, when you start-up XtremeLink with an Xtreme cart in the linker, the save files are automatically uploaded to the PC. Also, save files will be attached automatically to the appropriate roms when you add roms using the 'Cart view' tab. The option 'Make a backup of each file' prevents recent saves from overwriting the older saves stored on your PC.

A save-file for a rom on the Xtreme cart only gets automatically backed-up if it has changed since the last back-up. A message box will show the save files that were automatically backed-up.

In the 'General' tab, check 'Always repair header...'.

A rom with a missing/bad header won't work, so it's good to always use this option.

In the 'FAT' tab, use the setting below since not all roms will need patching. It is best to use FAT v8 or other save-patching tools when you do need to EEPROM patch a rom.

There are no settings to change in the 'Plugins' tab. Click 'Ok' and you're finished with the configuration. Now it's time to start adding roms to the cart.